We are much more than a physical body. Most human beings are unaware of the different subtle bodies that make us up, how they are related, how they function and what their various interactions are. It is very important to know that beyond the physical body there is an interconnection, a wonderful dynamic between the different bodies; that these communicate and influence each other. From the most subtle body (the divine body) to the densest (the physical body), they envelop the soul and become the vehicle to discover the meaning of our journey in this earthly existence. For all these reasons, it is vitally important that we know and understand the complex systems that make up our bodies to attain a more conscious dietary approach.
First of all, let's remember that we have seven bodies. In this article we will stop to review the physical body that allows us to experience life and maintain it, through the senses. The circulatory, respiratory, digestive, endocrine and musculoskeletal systems of our physical body are maintained by the action of the different chakras. The chakras are vortexes of energy that feed these systems, which in turn are influenced by the mental, emotional or causal bodies, or intuition body, or by the most luminous: the divine body or soul.
In our physical body we have the pineal gland that allows us to connect with that energy flow of the subtle bodies, and is capable of restoring and maintaining harmony between all bodies. Dr. Joe Dispenza, an expert in the science of mindfulness, has contributed incredible research to modern medicine about the activation of the functions of this wonderful gland, based on his own experience of self-healing and regeneration of his body, after a tragic accident that had left him quadriplegic.
Traditional Chinese medicine, and Indian Ayurveda, are medicines that are based on the knowledge of those energetic networks or channels, or nadis, that keep our mental, emotional and physical structure in balance, and on the knowledge of the alignment of those different bodies. This ancestral knowledge has managed to implement procedures, such as exercises, washing, massages, nutrition, meditation practices, acupuncture, moxibustion, orientation and activation, cleansing of the energy body, among many others that maintain the health and stability of our bodies.
The latest neuroscience research has provided very valuable data on the relationship that our brain has with the intestinal microbiota, letting us know the importance of taking care of the body and eating a diet that not only maintains our structure, but also helps develop other necessary systems for life to continue.
In his website, Dr. Joe Dispenza and his team use their research to highlight the importance of paying attention to your body, and all the organisms that inhabit it:
"It has been said, “Your life is your gut.” The gut is a major regulator of your biology, and some studies suggest that the bacteria that reside in your gut are a major control point for your health. For instance, your gut bacteria releases factors that regulate your sleep, mood, food intake, and many other basic functions. In this regard, your gut bacteria function as a “mini brain” that needs to be understood and studied. These gut residents are various and many."
Dr. Nazaret Castellanos, a Spanish neuroscientist, who has dedicated her life to researching brain functions, makes a very interesting analysis of the Brain-Intestine relationship, providing key data to delve deeper into the topic of conscious eating and caring for the intestinal microbiome.
Based on the concept of Holobiont (entity formed by the association of different species), Dr. Castellanos has confirmed that there are different microorganisms that interact in various ways in our body systems. For example, in the vaginal, oral and intestinal mucosa, or on our skin (secretion organ that is related to the colon), and discovered the relationship that exists between our health and those little bugs that live in the colon. That is, she confirmed what Chinese medicine has known for 5000 years; that what happens in the intestine influences the quality of neurotransmitters, especially serotonin, which is the “happiness” hormone. With patients suffering from depression, this brain-gut relationship has been worked on, and incredible results have been obtained, simply by activating the 39 Stomach resonator (Xiajuxu - immense upper vacuum), which goes directly to the brain and activates serotonin. One of the greatest revolution in scientific research consists of having discovered this relationship between the microbiota and the brain.
Furthermore, it is worth noting that we don't only have five senses, but other internal senses. Those are proprioception (which allows us to know how our posture is, perceive how we are standing or sitting, etc.), as well as the sense of interoception (which is the perception of relationships internal, that is, how the brain integrates everything that happens inside our body: how we breathe, how blood flows, etc.).
The latter is a priority sense, because when faced with the information that comes from outside (for example, how our posture is), our brain first puts forth the information that comes from within (for example, how we are breathing or if we have alterations in the temperature). This is important for the field of psychiatry or psychology because it allows us to see subjectivity, that is to say, we do not feel the same way, we are not the same, we are different. This invites us to self-perceive, listen to the body and integrate the information that comes from within the body.
Each one of us feels and reacts in different ways, and we must perceive those differences. Now, there is a deeper relationship our brain and mind have with our intestine and everything that is there: bacteria, enzymes, microorganisms, fungi, etc. These minute beings influence and relate to our endocrine system, our immune system, our nervous system. Currently, neurosciences give great importance to the study of how those bacteria that are in our intestine regulate the activity of our hormones and neurotransmitters, which goes to show the importance that scientists and researchers are seeing and how it relates to our health.
Moreover, the microbiota in us depends on how our mother felt during pregnancy, if there was a cesarean section, or if the birth was natural, or if we had an artificial or natural diet. All these factors are important since, for example, the Colostrum, that first liquid that comes out of breasts to feed the baby, is full of substances that nourish the immune system in a very powerful way, determining our intestinal microbiome.
If that wasn't enough, the neurosciences of well-being and their latest research continually confirm the relevance and importance of healthy habits (not just dietary habits), such as being aware of how we relate to each other as this also influences the quality of our intestinal microbiota. Also managing factors that produce stress, and how to manage it, is very important because cortisol tremendously influences the pituitary and generates a reorganization or alteration of the intestinal flora. In addition, how we experience problems, what our diet is like, the regularity in the practice of exercises, the pollution factors of the places where we live and even our life history, what our birth was like, our childhood, are other things that we must take into consideration and strive to bring into harmony, because all of these count toward out state of being and overall health.